Ok, so we were fooling around a little on New Years eve in Copenhagen before we headed to the Island of Bornholm. We are in the land of Vikings and warm winter coats. No we do not wear these when we are out contacting as missionaries.

This is Hammer Hus. That would mean this is an old, old, castle, I mean from 900 AD and has been the site of many battles between Danes and Swedes. It stands on a point overlooking the ocean facing Sweden. So the tribe of Dan, was here fighting with the Swedes.
By the way in,,danish mark, mens field and of course Dan is for the tribe of Dan of the 10 tribes so Denmark literally means the field of Dan. We are here trying to gather some of the lost ten tribes.
The gospel was first preached in Copenhagen in 1850 and the Book of Mormon was the second language after English that the language was published in.

Bornholm of course is an island. We on occasion get a little island fever and it is good to get of the island for a few days. This time we are on the ferry headed to Copenhagen. This ferry is the slow ferry and we took our car with on this one. It takes 5.5 hours to sail to Køge and then a 30 drive into Copenhagen. We were headed to a zone conference with our fellow missionaries to learn more from our mission president Andersen. President and Sister Andersen are the best.

Bornholm has the second largest forest in all of Denmark and it is fun to wander in the woods. It is very restoring to go for a walk and breath the fresh air and feel the soft carpet of the forest. It will even be better when spring really arrives.

There is no place like home. This is our little intimate dining table in our apartment. It is little, but warm and as they say in Denmark Hyggelig! The apartment consists of two rooms, a bathroom, and long skinny kitchen with our little table. The whole apartment would fit in our bedroom at home in Alpine. It sure makes it easy to clean quickly when you do not have much space to dirty up.

Danes are absolutely amazed when they come to Bornholm. The reason is the rocks. They do not have rocks on the others parts of Denmark and no waterfalls. This was at a place called Ekko Dalen which means echo valley and yes it did have an echo and a fairly high waterfall. We happened to be driving by the area and thought we would take a look.

The young women of the Rønne Branch and their leader. The girls are sisters and their mother is from Idaho, so of course they speak excellent English. A bonus for the leader. They love Sister Jensen and she loves them and loves to teach them.

Sister Jensen loves these cows. There is a herd of them, Scotish cows that are wooly to last outdoors all winter.